About Us

A bit of history…

Oyumino Christ Church

Oyumino Christ Church (OCC) is a member church of the Presbyterian Church in Japan (PCJ). We are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), Mission to the World (MTW), Church Planting Institute (CPI), Christ Bible Institute (CBI), and The Gospel Coalition (TGC).

Daniel Iverson III, our former senior pastor who planted the church in 1992 and MTW Country Director for Japan, wrote this description of our church on the Gospel Coalition (TGC) international directory of affiliated churches:

“Oyumino Christ Church was started in 1992 by PCA missionaries with Mission to the World (MTW) in partnership with the Presbyterian Church in Japan (PCJ). OCC seeks by God’s grace to be a gospel-centered, Holy Spirit-led, multi-site, cell group church reaching Chiba City, Japan, and the world with the good news of God’s grace for sinners. Our mission is to make disciples who reproduce. Oyumino Church has five worships each Sunday in 3 locations in Midori Ku, including one bilingual worship (English and Japanese) [at 3pm called “Alive International” since 2017]. OCC has 4 pastors (three Japanese) leading, teaching, and equipping lay people for ministry. There are about 70 small groups with many opportunities for fellowship, study, service, and outreach. We seek “Classic Faith but Modern/Classic Style mix”, as we seek to reach our changing city and world with the unchanging gospel of grace. We are involved with other partners in planting healthy, reproducing churches here in Japan and are seeking to help plant churches in two other Asian countries.”

To grow as a vibrant, Gospel-centered, international community praising, proclaiming, and loving Christ, that the glory of God would spread in Chiba, throughout Japan, and over the whole earth.

私たちのビジョン: 活きた、福音中心の、国際的なコミュニティーとして成長し、賛美、宣教、そしてキリストを愛することを通し、神のご栄光を千葉、日本、全世界にひろめる。 詩篇 108:5 神よ。あなたが天であがめられ、 あなたの栄光が全世界であがめられますように。

Our Staff



Ruling Elder

Theological Foundations

Video course by Tom Mirabella

Doctrine of Scripture

Lesson 1

Covenant Theology

Lesson 2

Sacraments & Sanctification

Lesson 3

Baptism (Part 1)

Lesson 4

Baptism (Part 2)

Lesson 5

Doctrines of Grace

Lesson 6


Lesson 7

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